Stressed About Corporate Tax Registration ?

Get Expert Clarity And Fast Registration

Simplify UAE corporate tax compliance and focus on your business. Consultation included.  


Don’t Worry, We’ll Handle Everything

Let us take this compliance burden off your shoulders and let the expert tax consultants do it for you from END to END.


We will understand your business and its complications and will devise a customised corporate tax compliance strategy for you.


We will determine your corporate tax registration deadline and will make an accurate registration application for your business.


We will calculate your corporate tax liability and will submit an accurate corporate tax return within the allotted timelines.

Stress-Free Tax Compliance

From Start To Finish

At Protax Advisors, we are determined to help businesses in complying with new Corporate Tax laws in UAE and have made our mission to not let them face any fines for non-compliance.

Ready To Be Corporate Tax Compliant ?

The Process Is Simple!

STEP : 01

Corporate Tax Registration

Corporate Tax Registration of your business in UAE is the first step. Irrespective of nature, size, profitability and jurisdiction of a business, UAE Corporate Tax Registration is mandatory for all. So we start gathering all the relevant information from you to register your business with the Federal Tax Authority for UAE Corporate Tax, thereby fulfilling the first requirement of becoming tax compliant.
STEP : 02

Consultation Meeting

Now once your business is registered with FTA, the second step we will schedule a 30 Minutes Free Corporate Tax Consultation Meeting with you. In this meeting we will understand your business and its peculiarities and will guide you on the action plan to optimize your corporate tax liability. This is our USP, we don’t just register you, we give you the clarity for the path forward and help you walk it.
STEP : 03

Corporate Tax Compliance

Corporate Tax Compliance is the final step in the Compliance lifecycle cycle every year. Here we help businesses in assessing their tax liability, prepare and file an accurate corporate tax return for them and then help them pay corporate tax liability. True and correct filing of Corporate Tax Returrn is the most crucial steps and if done wrong can expose a business to huge penalties.
Businesswoman doing accounting


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Corporate tax is a tax on profits of a business. Businesses need to pay a certain percentage of their business profits to the government. Government then invest these funds in defence and welfare schemes for the residents of the UAE.

Yes. All businesses in UAE, whether new or old, profitable or not, making sales or not, in free zone or mainland or offshore, need to register for Corporate Tax.

Simple answer is, since its the law. But we are not here for simple answers we are here to give clarity. Here it goes, Unlike UAE VAT (Value Added Tax), The Corporate Tax is a tax on profits, therefore the eligibility for its registration is not dependent on profits or sales. If a business exists, it will either make profits or losses, both cases will have a Corporate Tax implication. If it makes profits, it may pay corporate tax and if it makes losses, the losses can be carried forward to next year to be adjusted against that year’s profits for determining final corporate tax liability. Therefore, mere existence of a business make its eligible for Corporate Tax Registration.

If for some reason you skip relevant deadline for Corporate Tax Registration, your business may be exposed to a penalty of upto AED 10,000 (even more).

Assuming you are either a business owner or manager, let us explain this difference in that context. Simply put, Corporate Tax is a business expenses, whereas VAT is not a business expense for most businesses. How ? A business collects AED 105 for a product or service that costs AED 100 (since 5% VAT is added in the sale price) and then the business deposit that additional AED 5 with the government. Business still gets AED 100 (the full price of its product / service). In this cases, business only acted as tax collector on behalf of the government. In same example, let’s suppose the product sold was bought by that business for AED 70. Which means the business made the profit of AED 30 (105-5-70=70). Now, business is supposed to pay 9% Corporate Tax on this AED 30. So Corporate Tax laibility will be AED 2.7 (9% of AED 30). This AED 2.7 will be paid by business to the government from its own pocket (profits). That’s how the Corporate Tax is different from VAT.

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